-----\\\\.BACK FLASH.////----- Level Name: Back Flash Created By:<<<<<----JUSTIN HAAGA---->>>>>> Realse Date: 2-11-96 Map Info: Large, 60x60, Desert climate Player: GoodGuy Difficulty: Very Hard Filename: BckFlsh.zip Filecontens: BackFlash.INI, BackFlash.MAP, BackFlash.TXT, SAVEGAME.560 BackFlashHelp.txt {TESTED ON C&C VERSION 1.07} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MISSION REPLACEMENT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This great level replaces mission 15a. Put die in 14a so you can play level 14 then 15! _____________________________________________________________________________ MISSION DESCRITION _____________________________________________________________________________ Justin Repupic of Hell has regrouped in there own territory from the last attack. They want you to come to them so they can nuk the United States. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LEVEL DISCRIPTION<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Your mission is to hunt down the Justin Republic of Hell about 5 miles out of Justin City. Destroy all of them escpecially the Nuclear facitlity. There is a Nuk LAb there and a hosptial to treat radiation burns. DESRTOY THEM!!!!!! Those are the main key. Destroy them first! Or the USA will be at risk! (:USAGE:) You probaly should just use the savegame file or if you have DIE you might just want to load Die and Psyco so you can play both just copy both ini, map files to your general.mix file. +=INFORMATION=+ This is the next level of DIE. When I made DIE I got alot of letters.... so I made the conclusion! It took me aproxmently 2 hours to complete so LIKE IT! If you have any questions or suggestion please write me on these following networks- INTERNET-JJH375@WWW.AOL Compuserve-72754,3037 Thanx for playing my NEW MISSIONS! I would appreicate any Suggestions!!!! <<<<<----JUSTIN---->>>>>